The Kiss
“She sings with intelligence and individuality. Her voice is smooth and full, and, on the higher notes...the sound freely unfolds and blossoms. It’s sumptuous and lovely and deserves repeat listenings.”
- Readings
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“Car’s program is well-sung and played...she shows herself
to be an accomplished, detailed recitalist.”
- Limelight
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Songs with orchestra
“Six singers, all of them Bru Zane regulars, share the songs between them. Nicole Car’s lyrical way with ‘Amoureuse’ and her bravura approach to the exacting ‘L’improvisatore’ offset Jodie Devos’s crystalline soprano..."
- Gramophone
Available For
“This is an effective characterisation by Car who is well suited to the role and seems to relish every note.”
- Music Web International
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La bohème
Royal Opera House
"Car is so good at the sudden bursts of lyricism, especially affecting in the third and best of the acts here, Pappano’s febrile but authentically Puccinian/Toscaniniesque sense of movement underpinning her to perfection."
- The Arts Desk
DVD Available For
Opera Australia
"The best vocal performance of the evening was from Opera Australia’s own Nicole Car, who played the part of Micaëla. Her rendition of the aria “Je dis que rien ne m’épouvante” was exquisite and for me the highlight of the evening"
- Backtrack
DVD Available For
A German Requiem
“Soprano Nicole Car has the heavenly ‘Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit’ and she sings it well. The sound of her voice falls pleasingly on the ear."
- Music Web International
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